Thursday, October 7, 2010

Things I've Learned

Today, you're getting a list of things that I've learned since becoming a parent.

1. My husband and I are HILARIOUS - we can make our baby laugh any time of day (unless there's a meltdown going on...)

2. Parenting is both easier and harder than I ever thought it could be. And, I can't explain it any better than that.

3. I enjoy my child more and more each day. It's kind of like when you first fall in love, except that this is a different love.

4. I don't like kissing my child on the lips. I think it's gross. He doesn't seem to mind. ;o)

5. I didn't know so many song lyrics could be changed to my child's name. Like, The Flintstones, and the themes to Buffy and Angel.

6. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (okay, I knew this one before I had a child, but it's really true. I think we're both morning people)

7. I CAN be a stay-at-home mom, and enjoy it. I know, right?

So, there's a few pearls of wisdom for you (ha!).

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