Here in Ohio, it's been pretty good, too. The weather's been great, and the trees are just starting to turn colors. We have a maple tree in our front yard, and it's going to be a beautiful orange when it's time. I love the half-green, half-red leaves that are falling now. Hrm... Maybe I should dye a sock yarn that color. I think it would be beautiful!
So, Matt and I have been trying to think of ways that we can cut our expenses down. I think we may get rid of our cell phones. For us, we're either at home or at work. We're thinking of getting an emergency cell phone for the cars... But, we're still not sure, and we're considering it.
We're also considering going down to one car. This may actually be more feasible, since I could drive Matt to work. It would actually save us quite a bit of money, too, since we have a loan on one of the cars, and it would save us quite a bit of money.
I don't know what we're going to do, exactly, but I'd like to stay home for as long as possible (and until I find a good job that I want to do), but we're trying to think creatively about it.
Also, I've been knitting again! Serious, good knitting. Not just mindless, same old, same old knitting. It's wonderful! I'll post more about it soon!
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